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Making 200% In The Stock Market Can Be Easy
Making 200% In The Stock Market Can Be Easy
Jeff Moore
September 04, 2018
There is an unfortunate belief among many people that doing well in the stock market (and other markets, for that matter) requires a great deal of work and loads of time. This is partly a function of those in the markets wanting to make what they do seem complicated, and therefore exclusive. The reality of the situation is that you do not need to dedicate your life to the markets to produce good results.

I will use myself as an example. In most years there are significant time periods during which my schedule of travel and other commitments prevents me being overly active in the markets. One particular year I added a six week trip between the end of May and the early part of July in to the mix as well. During the course of that year I did a total of about a dozen trades in the stock market. Want to know my return for that year? It was more than 200%.  Now you might be thinking that this is an anomaly. It’s not!

Over about an 18 month period between 2002 and 2003 I was able to double the value of my retirement account trading stocks (I had to double it to make up for the beating the mutual funds I had been in prior to that had taken) necessarily using a much more conservative approach than in the example above. Again, that was done on a relatively small number of trades. Actually, I don’t normally make that many trades in any given year. If I get very far above twenty it’s rather unusual. 

Clearly, I’m not a day trader. I do not get in and out of positions rapidly. My strategy is one I have formed over the years which allows me to find stocks with good upside potential that I don’t have to constantly watch. The positions I put on are intended to be held for weeks, if not months. That’s the timeframe when the largest moves happen, so that’s the timeframe I want to trade.

The strategy I use incorporates all three primary forms of market analysis – fundamental, technical, and quantitative. That said, however, I can go through the stock selection process in a couple of hours, at most. If there isn’t anything worth really looking at, the whole thing can be done very quickly.

What’s more, if I have active positions on I will generally not be looking to enter any new ones. In that case, aside from a little bit of checking up to see how the stocks are trading and if there’s any important news, there’s very little to be done. I can literally trade my system in only a couple hours a month.

Now you might be saying that I’ve got a great system. Maybe I do. It certainly works for me given the constraints I operate under with my schedule. I don’t consider it any major secret, though. In fact, I outlined it in detail in my book, The Essentials of Trading, so you are free to take a look at it for yourself.

The important point here is that I was able to develop a trading style and methodology that works for me. Anyone can do that. It is a question of making an honest self –assessment and defining an approach that fits within the parameters you have for trading or investing in the markets. Maybe you can day trade, or maybe you’re like me with limited time to dedicate to finding good stocks to buy.

Whatever the case, you have to do what works for you and realize that you can trade effectively regardless of how much time you have to put in to it.
Stock Trading For Beginners: How To Achieve Lasting Success In Trading...
Stock Trading For Beginners: How To Achieve Lasting Success In Trading...
Jeff Moore
August 01, 2018
Why is it that some people are successful in trading the markets? And why is it some people fail? Is it luck that determines if you are successful or not in making money from the market? Is it the system or strategy that a person use which determines their success?

A lot would say that it is the system or strategy that they employ which ultimately determines if they come out winning from the market.
Every system that exists on the internet will show you how to make money using it. Without a doubt, it will make money for you. The question is usually how much money will the system make for you. All the system that out there will show to you how their system has work base on historical data or activity and then at the bottom of the page there would be a disclaimer clause that states ‘.. Historical data does not determine or guarantee future earnings....’ 

So why is it that these sites or page include this disclaimer clause? 

The disclaimer clause is incorporated in it because they know that there are certain elements which they can not control. Human emotions.

Human emotions are always the key to either success or failure in any business. And it is no difference when trading the markets. Read all the books about trading that you want, buy all the successful system that you want. If you can’t control your emotions, you can’t succeed in the markets. 

That’s the reason for the disclaimers clause because the one thing that the author can not control is their subscribers or customers emotions.

In the market there are but only two main emotions that every trader will experience; GREED and FEAR. When this emotion appears it is not how we eliminate it but rather how we act on it. There are natural emotions that can not be eliminated. This emotions forces us to action, thus how we act on it will determine the outcome. 

Like anger, when we are angry at someone, it’s either we say something nasty or we can just kick a bucket or even break a glass window. Which ever action that we take, it produces a different outcome or result.  
All too often when we begin to see two to three consecutive loses on our trading activities, we would begin to have doubt. When this happens we are already at the state of fear, we fear losing more of our money and thus begin to doubt that the system is working. 

While no system is absolute, meaning no system will guarantee that you will make money ALL the time. The system seller would say that we would be able to make money consistently, provided we follow their system to the dot.

On the other hand, when we begin to see two or three consecutive we begin to feel on top of the world. We begin to feel that we can start making good money from the market and then start tweaking the system or maybe putting more money in the market to leverage our earnings or maybe begin to take on more positions, which ultimately make us deviate from the system which we were using. This is when greed has already stepped in to rule our thoughts.  

There is saying ‘The system is only as good as the person using it’. So if we don’t follow the system either with we are making loses or when we are creating profits. We would ultimately fail. And to follow the system requires discipline. The discipline to act on our fear and greed when it sets in, will determine how well we do in the market.  

Once again discipline is the key. We must have the discipline to say ‘I have reached my target. I should take profits now even though it may go higher’ when greed sets in. And when fear sets in one should say ‘I have to take a position even though the market does not seem to be moving in my favor.

While these are but two circumstances when greed and fears arises, there are, and will be many instances when we need to make a decision to either enter or exit the market. And these are very two most important decisions to take in order to succeed in the markets. The discipline to follow the system diligently no matter what happens to the market

So no matter how good the system is, the only and sure way is to lasting success in the market depend on the discipline to overcome our personal emotional to follow a particular system religiously.
Forex Trading: How To Become Successful And Win Big In The Forex Market!
Forex Trading: How To Become Successful And Win Big In The Forex Market!
Jeff Moore
July 25, 2018
Knowing how to trade in Forex is simply just not enough to be successful. In this largest and the most liquid financial market in the world, you need to have more than the knowledge and skills to be successful. You need to know about the different things involved in Forex to earn huge amounts of money.

Simply knowing how to trade Forex and about the major currencies traded, like the US dollar, the Japanese Yen, and others are just the basics. Knowing when to trade and what to trade is equally essential to be successful in Forex.

Fore these you need to have a trading strategy. So, what exactly are the trading strategies involved in Forex? There are a number of money making strategies that you can use when trading in the Forex market.

If you use these strategies correctly, you will earn huge amounts of money in a very short time. Firstly, you have to realize that Forex trading is very different from stock trading. Therefore, strategies are also very different.

The first strategy that you can use to earn a lot of money in the Forex market is the leverage Forex trading strategy. In leverage Forex trading strategy, it allows you, as an investor in the Forex market, to borrow money to increase your earning potential.

With this strategy, you can easily turn your money to 1:100 ratio. However, the risk involved can be great. This is why there are stop loss orders you can use to minimize the risk and also to minimize the loss. The leverage Forex trading strategy is one of the most commonly used strategy by Forex traders to maximize profits.

In the stop loss order strategy, the Forex trader creates a predetermined point in the trade where the investor will not trade. As mentioned before, you can use this strategy to minimize risk and minimize loss. However, this strategy can also backfire to you, as the Forex trader. This is because you may run the risk of stopping your trades when the value of the currency goes higher than expected.

It is up to you to decide if you will be using this strategy or not.

These are some of the strategies you can use when trading in the Forex market.

Forex trading is a 24 hour market where you can trade anytime and anywhere you are. If you think that the Forex market conditions are good at a specific time, then you can trade at that specific time.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the Forex market is the most liquid market in the world. This means that you can enter or exit the market anytime you wish to. This is to minimize the risk and there is also no daily trading limit.

Here are other tips that you should remember in order to earn money in the Forex market and be good in doing so:

• The first and the last ticks are usually the most expensive. So, for most traders, the rule of thumb is getting in late and get out early.

• When you are losing, you want to minimize the risk of losing more money. So, don’t add money when you are losing.

• Select trades that move along with the trend. This can minimize the risk of losing money and maximize your chances of profits.

There are quite a few tools you can use when trading in the Forex market. One is the Forex charts. For the speculator, the chart is the most important tool that you can use to determine market trends and accurately predict the future value of the currency. Although it isn’t actually 100% accurate, you can use the Forex charts as a guide to what’s happening in the market.

You need to know how to read the different charts involved in the Forex market. There are daily charts, hourly charts, 15 minute charts and even 5 minute charts to get you closer to the action. You can compare each of the data in the chart to spot market trends and at the same time, spot potential money making trends.

This can also help you minimize the risk when trading in Forex. Learn how to read charts effectively and you will be well on your way to become successful in the Forex market.

These are some the strategies and tips that you should keep in mind in order to minimize the risks in Forex trading and maximize your earning potential. Depending on your skills and how you apply your strategies, you can really make a lot of money in the Forex market. However, to be a truly successful Forex trader, you need to accept the fact that you will sometimes lose money. Never get discouraged when you do. Analyze where you made your mistake, think of a solution to get back what you lost and continue trading.

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Stock Trading Psychology: The Key To Success In Trading...
Stock Trading Psychology: The Key To Success In Trading...
Jeff Moore
July 17, 2018
Are you looking to outperform the market and optimize your profits but are not sure how to pick the right stocks? Has investing become a chore? Do you find yourself investing in hot stocks after they have made their big move? Would you like to learn how I increased my portfolio by over 400% in under 7 years? 

Many of today’s highly successful traders will tell you that the general key to success in trading is to be able to comfortably take a loss. It is general knowledge among experts in the trading psychology field and among traders that the market is not predictable and it is safe to say that it never will be. In the world of trading, it is expected to take a loss; even those who are highly skilled traders know that it is inevitable. With that said, let us have a look at things you as a trader should be aware of, how you can take a loss effectively and use it towards the greater good of your trading world.

Trading psychology tells us that when a trader loses he begins to become somewhat of a perfectionist in his dealing. Many traders think that in trading, a good day will always be one that is profitable. Trading psychology experts tells us this is not true. A trader should define a good day as one where they have extensively researched and planned with discipline and focus, and have followed through to the entire extent of the plan. Yes, when a trader has mastered the art of accepting losses and working through them with a well thought out plan then good days will become profitable in time.

Because the art of trading in an unpredictable market fluctuates so greatly from one day to the next, experts in trading psychology believe that it is important that you concentrate on what you can control, instead of things that are beyond your control. Looking into the short-term you cannot expect to be able to control the profits of your trading. With that said, look at what you do you have ability to control.
You do have the ability to control the difference between good and bad days. You are able to control this factor by extensively researching the strategies you implement within your trading experiences. By learning to research your chosen strategies, thus controlling the amount of good and bad trading days you experience, you will, in the long-term begin to generate profits, which is the ultimate goal of every trader.

Trading psychology experts tell us that it is important to become realistic in trading instead of becoming a perfectionist. Perfectionist traders, relate a loss with failure, and will become obsessed with the failure, focusing only upon it. Realistic traders understand the unpredictability of the market and taking a loss is simply part of the art. The main key you must remember in trading psychology to be able to effectively limit your losses, instead of becoming obsessed with them. A common thing seen within the trading psychology world is that traders who are obsessed with their losses often have a hard time bouncing back from them, thus losing in the end.

Experts in trading psychology have organized three basic strategies you can use to effectively stop losses. These strategies are:

• Price Based
• Time Based
• Indicator Based

Stops that are priced based are generally used when the other two have not functioned. To make this work you will need to make hypothesis’s about the trade and identify a low point in that particular market. Then you will set your trade entries near your points, thus making sure that losses will not be overly excessive if the hypothesis fails.

Time Based stops constitutes making use of your time. Designate a holding period you allow to capture a certain number of points. If you have no achieved your desired profit within that time limit, you should stop the trade. If effectively used you should stop even if the price stop limit has not been achieved.

The Indicator based stop makes use of market indicators. As a trader, you should be aware of these indicators and utilize them extensively within your trading experiences. Look at indicators such as, volume, advances, declines, and new highs and lows.

Experts in trading psychology say that setting stops and rehearsing them mentally is a good psychological tool to use and will help ensure that you follow through.
Do Stock Market Prices Accurately Reflect The Value of Your Stock Portfolio?
Jeff Moore
July 05, 2018
In order to trade and make money in the markets - either stock or commodities, one should have a basic idea of determinants of share valuation prices.  Actual logistics, standard procedures and rules as well as human nature and greed all play major roles.  Consider this as part of the mix when evaluating purchases and sales of your securities. Timing, perceptions and even sometimes luck play major roles in your quest for your eventual fortune awaiting you.

The usual description of any market assumes that every trader wishes to purchase or sell a known quantity at each possible price. All the traders come together, and in one way or another price is found that clears the market – that is, makes the quantity demanded as close as possible to the quantity supplied.

This may or may not be an adequate description of the markets for consumer goods, but it is clearly inadequate when describing security markets. The value of any capital asset depends on its future prospects, which are almost always uncertain. Any information that bears on such prospects may lead to a, which s we know are always uncertain. Any information that depends on its future prospects may lead to a revised estimate of value. The fact that a knowledgeable trader is willing to buy or sell some quantity of a security or commodity at a particular price is bound to be information just of that sort. Offers to trade May this affect other offers. Prices may, therefore, both clear markets and covey information.

The dual role of prices has a number of implications. For example, it behooves the liquidity motivated trader to publicize his or her motives and thereby avoid an adverse effect on the market. Thus, an institution purchasing securities for a pension fund that intends, simply to hold a representative cross section of securities should make it clear that it does not consider the financial interments under priced. On the other hand, any firm trying to buy or sell all large number of shares that it considers wrongly under priced should try to conceal its motives, its identity or both (and may try). Such attempts may be ineffective, however, as those asked to take the other side of such trades try very hard as you know to find out exactly what is going on and many do well succeed in these days of rapid communications and access to many sources of information succeed.
Most securities are sold in very standard ways which requires payment and electronic notification of delivery within the standard settlement period (standard is three Business as opposed to calendar days). On rare occasions, a sale may be made as a cash transaction requiring payment immediately on receipt. Sometimes as a reward or as in effect a marketing or sales promotion payment may be extended over a longer time period – usually 15, 30 or 60 days.

Sometimes in the case of new issues a payment extension period is also granted for the same reasons as above. It would be extremely insufficient if every securities transaction had to end with a physical delivery of transfer of actual share certificates from seller to buyer. A brokerage firm might well sell 1000 shares of ABC Co. for one client; Mr. Stevens to another client, and later that day buy 1000 shares for Mr. Felon obtained by accepting delivery from her seller. Mr. Stevens’s shares could be delivered to his buyer, and Mr. Felon’s shares could be obtained by accepting delivery from her seller.

However, it would be much easier to transfer Mr. Steven’s shares to Mr. Felon and instruct Felon’s seller to deliver the 1000 shares directly to Mr. Steven’s buyer. This would be especially helpful if the brokerage firm’s clients Mr. Felon and <r. Stevens held their securities in street name. Then, the 1000 shares they traded would not have to be physically moved and then the ownership would not even have to change at ABC Company.

As you can see valuation of your portfolio of stocks and securities are not always indicative of the true and exact value of your securities. Actual logistics, human emotion and even greed play major and ongoing roles.
An Industry Blueprint To Stocks and Investing In The Market...
Jeff Moore
June 27, 2018
In this day and age, a lot of things have changed from how they used to be, which can be new and exciting for most. Because of the large size of the stock market, beginner investors appear to feel overwhelmed as to where to even activate investing their money. 

To most people, the stock market presents a messy web of options but does not reveal the highway map of clarity to guide their way along way in their investment adventure. The key to investing in the stock market is to become as educated as it is possible so that you know exactly what is taking place at all times. This helps people to make plausible and sound decisions about their money, thus, dropping the stress involved with investing.

The usual person, when beginning to entertain the idea of investing in the stock market, falls into one of two categories: 

Class one is the gambler who feels that investing is definitely a form of betting and no question what they do, they are certain that they will drop money slightly than make money. It seems that this opinion of investing in stocks is either formed from friends and family that have been baffled by the stock market or private experience and lost money. If someone has personally made losses in the stock market, it is pretty evident that they were not educated enough at the time of their investment in the stock market. Therefore, they must become educated as to what exactly the stock market is as well as how its system works in order to become a successful investor. 

Class two, on the other hand, represents the “go-getter” investor, which is an individual who knows that they should invest into the stock market for the safety of their monetary future, but they have absolutely no idea where to begin. The “go-getters” lean towards avoiding their monetary decisions and leave it up to professionals; therefore, they are powerless to justify why they own a certain stock. A usual “go-getter” operates in blind faith, as one stock goes up in value, they more than likely will hold it. The “go-getter” is in poorer shape than the gambler in that they will invest like everyone else and then wonder why they receive an unsatisfactory or devastating outcome. This just proves that the typical person should become thoroughly educated about the stock market as well as stocks before investment takes place.

Essential to every economy is business...businesses that started out as small operations that have grown to become money making giants, raising capital by promoting stock in them to people who want to invest to make their futures financially secure.
As small businesses start to grow, one of the supreme obstacles is generating enough money in order to develop into a superior operation. Businesses either scrounge the money in the form of a offer from a bank or venture capitalist, or someone that will invest money into a business in which they feel they will receive a high rate of return, or a reap from their investment into a business, in order to create the currency to expand. 

The most common choice for a business to gain money for the view of expansion is to take out a loan; however, there is no agreement that a bank will offer money to any given business. What we have explored up to now is the most important information you need to know. Now, let’s dig a little deeper:

In this case, business owners roam to the stock market for help in the form of issuing stocks. Firm owners relinquish a tiny fraction of control over their business and in reciprocation; the stock market provides that business money that does not have to be salaried back, in order to guarantee expansion. As an added bonus, the business is permitted to “go public,” a saying that means a brand is selling stocks for itself for the first time, so that business owners no longer are required to borrow money from banks because they can merely use their own stocks for getting monies to use for expansion. Thus, as the business grows and sells their stocks to people, the better chance a sponsor has on gaining a return on their investment as opposed to a loss.

As an investor, it is to your advantage to efficiently study each and every business in which you propose to hold stocks. The more facts you know about any certain business, the easier it is to make a plausible decision as to whether you should hold stocks or want a different business in which to work with. Try searching for a particular keyword from the title of this article on your search engine and you are sure to find a wealth of knowledge. 
Forex 101: An Informative Guide for Beginners
Jeff Moore
June 06, 2018
New in the Forex market? This market may sound really complicated and scary to tackle but it’s not. Just like in any kinds of trade, you make money when you buy low and sell high. Forex trading is simply trading currencies in the Forex market.
Forex is the largest financial market in the world. It generates trillions of dollars of currency exchanges everyday and it operates 24 hours a day and seven days a week therefore, also making it the most liquid market in the world.

In the world of Forex, trading in this very liquid market is very unique compared to other financial market like stocks. Since the Forex market operates 24 hours a day worldwide, which starts at Sydney and ends in New York, trading is not centralized in one location. You can trade in Forex whenever you want regardless of the local time.

In the past, Forex trading was only offered to large financial institutions, like banks. And, it was also only offered to large companies, multi-national corporations and large currency dealers. This is because of the large and extremely strict financial requirements the Forex market imposed. This means that individual traders and small businesses are not able to participate in this liquid market.

However, in the late 90s, Forex was made available to individual traders and small businesses. This is due to the advances in the communications technology. High speed internet made it possible for people to enter the Forex market and have become one of the best make money at home businesses.

Forex trading is getting more and more popular each day. Besides, who wouldn’t want to trade in the largest and the most liquid financial market in the world? Trading in Forex will certainly give you the opportunity to earn a lot of money. However, trading in this ever liquid market also has its risk. It is a fact that many people who traded in Forex lost a substantial amount of money and some of these people are seasoned traders.

This is why it is very important for you, as a beginner trader in the Forex market, to have the proper knowledge and education on how to trade in the Forex market. Firstly, there are hundreds or even thousands of available websites in the internet that offers Forex education. Some of these websites offer dummy Forex trading where you can practice trading in the Forex market using dummy money.
These programs will really take you closer to actually trading in Forex. Many experts say that you’ll never really understand how Forex really works until you traded in the market. So, if you want to learn how to trade Forex, you may want to sign up for a dummy account that numerous Forex trading websites offer.

With a dummy account, you can trade Forex by not using real money at all. With this program you can practice your knowledge and skills in trading in the Forex market and not waste money.

To get started in trading in this market, all you need is a computer with a high speed internet connection, a funded Forex account, and a trading system. These three simple things are enough to get you started in Forex trading.

In order for you to minimize the risk of losing money, you need to have some basic knowledge in charting before you start trading. In most Forex trading systems, Forex charts are there to assist you with your trades. Forex charts are a visual representation of the exchange rates of currencies. This is where you will mostly base your decisions to buy and sell currencies. You have to learn how to read the different Forex charts in order for you to successfully trade in the Forex market.

Each Forex chart is different although they represent the same fluctuations. For example, in the daily Forex chart, you can evaluate market trends in the past 24 hours to help you make decisions on the next 24 hours of trading. In the hourly chart, you can use this chart to spot trends within the day. And, in the 15 minute chart, where it can help you recent currency fluctuations in a 15 minute interval to help you decide on which currency to buy and sell. Sometimes, there are 5 minute chart available to better help you get closer to the action.

These are the basics on how to trade in the Forex market. Always remember that aside from the promising earning potential that you can have in the Forex market, there are also underlying risks that you have to consider. It is therefore wise to trade in this market with a proper investment plan and strategy. If you are just starting out to trade in Forex, consider opening a dummy account to help you practice trading Forex without risking money.
Forex Trading: The Best Education You Can Have
Forex Trading: The Best Education You Can Have
Jeff Moore
May 31, 2018
People trade on a daily basis. Some trade their services for money, while others trade products like food, toys and other things for money. People trade to earn money to properly live their everyday lives.

This is why people work, why people put up businesses and why people trade in the financial market. Today, it’s all about money in order for you to give yourself and your family a comfortable life.

If you are considering making money aside from your day job or starting a career, you can do so by trading in Forex. Surprisingly, most people don’t understand how Forex works but are still interested to trade in this financial market. Besides, people would really want to trade in the largest, the most liquid financial market in the world.

Forex operates 24 hours a day and 7 days a week with no centralized location unlike other financial markets. It involves all the currency in the world and trillions of dollars are being exchanged everyday in this market, thus, making it the worlds largest and the most liquid financial market in the world.

The Forex market promises traders a promising way to earn money. However, Forex also has its risk and it is a fact that people lose money trading in this market. But, there are also people who became millionaires in the Forex market almost overnight. Education is the key to start trading in the Forex market. Without the proper knowledge in Forex trading, chances are you will end up losing money.

First of all, before you trade in Forex, this market is the buying and selling of currencies. In simpler terms, you, as a Forex trader, will be purchasing one kind of currency against another kind of currency. This gave Forex a trend to trade in pairs.

If you traveled to another country, chances are, you traded your currency against the local country’s currency to enable you to buy things from that country. If you did this, you have a good idea on how Forex works.

If you want to trade in this ever liquid market, you have to get the best education possible in trading currencies. A good education will enable you to trade in Forex more effectively and increase your chances of earning a considerable amount of money. It is even known that lots of people have quit their day job to concentrate in Forex trading.

Getting a good education about Forex trading will also let you increase your chances of profiting and decrease the risks involved. In getting the proper education in Forex trading, you will also learn how to read Forex charts. Forex charts are one of the most important things you should learn in order to successfully trade in the Forex market. Without this knowledge, you are doomed to fail in this very liquid market.
Expert Forex traders said that the best way to learn Forex is by actually trading in the Forex market. For this, website developers and software developers have developed a program that you can use to practice trading Forex. There are websites available that will enable you to open a dummy Forex account where you can trade in a simulated Forex market using no money at all. With this kind of software, you can really learn the way Forex works. It is also a great program to get the feel of the Forex market and you can even consider it as a stepping stone to start trading in a real account.

Thanks to the internet and the advancement in technology, everyone can trade in this financial market. Unlike in the past, only the multi-national companies and financial institutions, such as banks are allowed to participate in the Forex market.

Trading Forex is relatively easy to start. All you need is a computer with an active internet connection (high speed internet), a funded Forex account, and a trading system.

Always remember beside the fact that Forex can give you the potential to earn a lot of money, the risks involved is also equally great. So, you should first read books about Forex trading that is readily available in the internet for purchase or for download. You have to learn about the major currencies traded in the market, about leverage, and also about minimizing the risks in trading.
A Disciplined and Organized Approach to Trading in the Stock Market
A Disciplined and Organized Approach to Trading in the Stock Market
Jeff Moore
May 24, 2018
A Winning Approach to Trading in the Stock Market: 
Many traders lose simply out of ignorance. They base their trades on hunches, news, or tips from friends, and do not define specific risk and profit objectives before placing trades. Others have the merit of educating themselves but fall victims of their emotions. They hold on to losing positions hoping they will turn into winners and sell winners by fear of losing a small gain. They over trade to fulfill a need for action or by fear of missing out.

The consistent winners follow a winning approach: 
1. They have a strategy to enter and exit trades
2. They use good money management 
3. They take consistent actions, they follow a trading plan 
4. They keep good records so they can review their actions
5. They avoid over trading 
6. They have a winning attitude     

A strategy to enter and exit trades: 
You need to a strategy to put the odds in your favor for each trade you take. Your strategy should be as objective as possible and include the following elements: 

1. Entry: conditions required before you can enter a trade - may include technical analysis, fundamental analysis, or both.
2. Initial stop loss: price at which you will close the entire position if it does not go in your favor. The risk per share is the difference between the entry price and the initial stop.
3. Initial price objective: price at which you will take some or all profits if the trade goes in your favor. 
4. Trade management: set of rules that dictates your actions while a trade is opened. It may include trailing stops, closing position, etc. For every action you take, the reason should be clearly described in your strategy.
Money management rules to keep losses small: 
The goal of money management is to ensure your survival by avoiding risks that could take you out of business. During your learning phase, your goal should be to survive, not to make money. Start with low limits and raise them as you become a consistent winner otherwise you will simply go broke faster. Your money management rules should include the following:

1. Maximum amount at risk for each trade. The different between your entry price and your initial stop loss is your risk per share. Your maximum amount at risk for each trade determines the share size. 
2. Maximum amount at risk for all your opened positions.
3. Maximum daily and weekly amount lost before you stop trading and/or avoid trying to trade your way out of a hole after a loosing streaks. 

Good record keeping: 
Although the process of gaining experience cannot be rushed, it can be made much more efficient by keeping good records of your actions. Good records will allow you to:

1. Review your actions at the end of each day to make sure you followed you strategy, not your emotions. 
2. Learn from your losses; they cost you money, make sure you get the education in return. 3. You should also keep a journal of your observations. 

A trading plan to keep emotions out of your decisions:
During trading hours, emotions will turn smart people into idiots. Therefore you have to avoid having to make decisions during those hours. This requires a detailed trading plan that includes your strategy and your money management rules. 
For every action you take during trading hours, the reason should not be greed or fear. The reason should be because it is in the plan. With a good plan, your task becomes one of patience and discipline. You have to follow the plan without exception. Any valid reason for an exception - for example, correcting an oversight - should become part of the plan. 
Avoid Over trading:
Sometimes the best thing to do is to do nothing. Not trading on those bad days is key to becoming a consistent winner; in some situations it is very tempting to over trade. If you trade to fulfill a need for action, to relieve boredom. If you can't find the proper setup then you must have the patience to wait.  If you fear you are missing out on a great trade or on a great market. If you want to make up for losses (revenge). If you trade to feel like you are working instead of sitting around. 
Trading involves a lot of work other than the actual buying and selling. You should not trade under the following conditions:

1. You are not following my trading plan 
2. You have reached your daily or weekly maximum loss 
3. You are sick or very tired 
4. You are very emotional (upset, pressured to make money, self-esteem destroyed)
5. You are using new tools you are not completely familiar with 
6. You need time to work on your trading plan
Maintain a winning attitude at all times:
Losing traders look for excuses; sure things; hang on hope, and avoid accepting small losses. Their trading is based on emotions. You must treat trading as a probability game in which you don't need to know what is going to happen next in order to make money. All you need to know is that the odds are in your favor before you put a trade. 

If you believe in your edge, which is you believe that the odds in your favor for each trade you enter, then you should have no expectation other than something will happen. Your attitude will have a direct influence on your trading results: Take responsibility for all your actions and don't blame the market or world events. Trade to trade well and for the love of trading, not to trade often and not for the money. The money will come as a result of trading well. 
You must not be influenced by the opinions of others. You have to reach your own decisions and follow them. Never think that taking money from the market is going be to easy and never assume that you know enough. You must have no particular expectation when you place a trade because you have to understand that anything can happen. Don't try to guess the future and always remember that trading is a game of probabilities.  

Using your own judgement when trading the market is critical to your success.  You must use your head and stay calm; don't get excited or depressed.  Handle trading as a serious intellectual pursuit and don't count how much money you have made or lost while you are in a trade.  The key to a disciplined and organized approach to trading in the stock market is to focus on trading well. 
How To Begin Trading The Markets... Where Do I Start?
How To Begin Trading The Markets... Where Do I Start?
The Top 10 Rules For Stock Trading Success
Written by Jeff Moore
May 11, 2018
Your stock trading rules are your money. When you follow your rules you make money. However if you break your own stock trading rules the most likely outcome is that you will lose money. Once you have a reliable set of stock trading rules it is important to keep them in mind. Here is one discipline that can reap rewards. Read these 10 rules before your day starts and also read the rules when your day ends:

Rule 1: I must follow my rules:
-Naturally if you develop a set of rules they are to be followed. It is human nature to want to vary or break rules and it takes discipline to continue to act in accordance with the established rules.

Rule 2: I will never risk more than 3% of my total portfolio on any one stock trade:
-There are many old traders. There are many bold traders. But there are never any old bold traders. Protecting your capital base is fundamental to successful stock market trading over time.

Rule 3: I will cut my losses at 5% to 15% when I am wrong without question:
-Some traders have an even lower tolerance for loss. The key point here is to have set points (stop loss) within the limits of your tolerance for loss. Stay informed about the performance of you stock and stick to your stop loss point.

Rule 4: Never set price targets on your intermediate term trades:
-This is a style that will allow me to get the most out of rising stocks. Simply let the profits run. Realistically, I can never pick tops. Never feel a stock has risen too high too quickly. Be willing to give back a good percentage of profits in the hope of much bigger profits when trading the intermediate term trend.  The big money is made from trading the really BIG moves that I can occasionally catch.
Rule 5: Master one style:
-Keep learning and getting better at this one method of trading. Never jump from one trading style to another. Master one style rather than become average at implementing several styles.

Rule 6: Let price and volume be my guides:
-Never listen to any opinion about the stock market or individual stocks you are considering trading or are already trading. Everything is reflected in the price and volume.

Rule 7: Take all valid signals that show up:
-Don't make excuses. If an entry signal shows up you have no excuse not to take it.

Rule 8: Never trade from intra-day data:
-There is always stock price variation within the course of any trading day. Relying on this data for momentum trading can lead to some wrong decisions.

Rule 9: Take time out:
-Successful stock trading isn't solely about trading. It's also about emotional strength and physical fitness. Reduce the stress every day by taking time off the computer and working on other areas. A stressful trader will not make it in the long term.

Rule 10: Be an above average trader:
-In order to succeed in the stock market you don't need to do anything exceptional. You simply need to not do what the average trader does. The average trader is inconsistent and undisciplined. Ask yourself every day, "Did I follow my method today?" If your answer is no then you are in trouble and it's time to recommit yourself to your stock trading rules.
9 Survival Tips For The Market Shakeout Blues
Written by Jeff Moore
May 2, 2018
Investors who buy during the top of a market rally often times panic or kick themselves, because all great rallies eventually come to an end. Neither activity helps an investor or trader think straight. Below are a few tips in dealing with a market shakeout.

1. If you believe you invested in the right stock(s), then turn off your computer and do something enjoyable. Exercise is a great stress reliever. The market has already begun its shakeout. If you didn’t get stopped out, or failed to place earlier stops, your best opportunity lays ahead in picking up additional shares at a much lower price. 

2. Do you believe the fundamentals which engendered the commodities boom have changed? If they haven’t, then the bullishness is only taking a breather. We don’t see any fundamental change in the markets. Russia still wants nuclear power, and its oil production may be peaking. China hasn’t announced the end of its nuclear expansion program. India wants to spend $40 billion on new nuclear reactors. If you are invested in uranium stocks, spot uranium jumped another dollar to $45/pound this past week. Hardly the end of the bull market.

3. If you worry about your investment in one stock or another, then stop watching the ticker and focus on the company fundamentals. Is the story still true or has it changed? See #7 A, B and C below.

4. There’s an old cliché that the time to buy is when you feel like dumping everything you own in the category. At the exact moment you want to sell your entire portfolio of uranium stocks, it may be wiser to add to your holdings. This applies mainly to the retail investor. Most of the professionals did dump at the top and are now slowly accumulating the shares of the naïve who waited until the washout to start selling off.

5. Has a major, earth-shattering event occurred? The last bull cycle in uranium ended with Three Mile Island (TMI). The last decent rally in the precious metals markets fell off a cliff after it was discovered Bre-X Minerals had perpetrated a fraud about its gold ‘discovery’ in Indonesia. Something significant and newsworthy always transpires, and it is also far-reaching. That is the trigger. As with TMI and Bre-X, those were the first shots which launched a later chain reaction to end those bull markets.

6. Before pulling the sell trigger, ask yourself: Do I really want to give up these shares to a bargain basement hunter, who will make a killing on my losses?

7. Since most of you will still panic, please review the following basics for any of the uranium companies you’ve read about:

A) How much cash does the company have in the bank? During shakeouts, cash is king. Prescient companies, which completed their financings during the recent and robust rally, are sitting pretty. They can weather the short-term storm and are well-oiled to move forward when this correction bottoms and reverses. Those companies are the strongest ones to check out when this correction looks gloomiest. 

B) Has the management remained the same? Unless the top financial and/or technical people blew out the door, in recent weeks, the story probably hasn’t changed much. Companies which built a strong technical team are resilient and powerful. They will move forward.

C) Have the properties come up dry? One of the reasons you invested in a uranium company was because it announced it had “pounds in the ground.” Some companies have more than others. Some went to the expense and trouble of completing a National Instrument 43-101, which independently confirmed the quantity and quality of the uranium resource. If that changed – and the company announced, “Sorry, nothing there after all,” or announced, “Hey, we were kidding,” that’s one thing. If you haven’t heard that, or read a news release announcing that, then the uranium didn’t walk away or move onto a competitor’s property. It’s still there.

Next time, when the markets are racing higher, and you feel like you won the lottery, consider this bit of biblical advice. The old joke goes, “When did Noah build his ark?” The answer of course is: Before it began to rain.
3 Steps To Profitable Stock Picking
Written by Jeff Moore
April 1, 2018
Stock picking is a very complicated process and investors have different approaches. However, it is wise to follow general steps to minimize the risk of the investments. This article will outline these basic steps for picking high performance stocks.

Step 1. Decide on the time frame and the general strategy of the investment. This step is very important because it will dictate the type of stocks you buy.

Suppose you decide to be a long term investor, you would want to find stocks that have sustainable competitive advantages along with stable growth. The key for finding these stocks is by looking at the historical performance of each stock over the past decades and do a simple business S.W.O.T. (Strength-weakness-opportunity-threat) analysis on the company.
If you decide to be a short term investor, you would like to adhere to one of the following strategies:

a. Momentum Trading. This strategy is to look for stocks that increase in both price and volume over the recent past. Most technical analyses support this trading strategy. My advice on this strategy is to look for stocks that have demonstrated stable and smooth rises in their prices. The idea is that when the stocks are not volatile, you can simply ride the up-trend until the trend breaks.

b. Contrarian Strategy. This strategy is to look for over-reactions in the stock market. Researches show that stock market is not always efficient, which means prices do not always accurately represent the values of the stocks. When a company announces a bad news, people panic and price often drops below the stock's fair value. To decide whether a stock over-reacted to a news, you should look at the possibility of recovery from the impact of the bad news. For example, if the stock drops 20% after the company loses a legal case that has no permanent damage to the business's brand and product, you can be confident that the market over-reacted. 

My advice on this strategy is to find a list of stocks that have recent drops in prices, analyze the potential for a reversal (through candlestick analysis). If the stocks demonstrate candlestick reversal patterns, I will go through the recent news to analyze the causes of the recent price drops to determine the existence of over-sold opportunities.

Step 2. Conduct researches that give you a selection of stocks that is consistent to your investment time frame and strategy. There are numerous stock screeners on the web that can help you find stocks according to your needs.

Step 3. Once you have a list of stocks to buy, you would need to diversify them in a way that gives the greatest reward/risk ratio. One way to do this is conduct a Markowitz analysis for your portfolio. The analysis will give you the proportions of money you should allocate to each stock. This step is crucial because diversification is one of the free-lunches in the investment world.

These three steps should get you started in your quest to consistently make money in the stock market. They will deepen your knowledge about the financial markets, and would provide a sense of confidence that helps you to make better trading decisions.
5 Steps To Researching a Stock Trade Before Investing
Written by Jeff Moore
March 30, 2018
Once you determine which business cycle the economy is currently in you can start researching for a trade. It is best to have some sort of a system in place that will be used before EACH trade.

Here is a simple 5 Step formula to help get you started.

5 Steps to Investing Online:

1. Find a stock This is the most obvious and most difficult step in stock trading. With well over 10,000 stocks to trade a good rule of thumb to consider is time of the year. For example, as I write this, it is the beginning of spring. It would make sense to consider stocks that traditionally make runs, or slide if you are bearish, during this time of year.

2. Fundamental Analysis Many short term traders may disagree with the need to do ANY Fundamental Analysis, however knowing the chart patterns from the past and the news regarding the stock is relevant. An example would be earnings season. If you are planning on playing a stock to the upside that has missed its earnings target the last 3 quarters, caution could be in order.

3. Technical Analysis This is the part where indicators come in. Stochastics, the MACD, volume, moving averages, RSI, CCI, support levels, resistance levels and all the rest. The batch of indicators you choose, whether lagging or leading, may depend on where you get your education.

Keep it simple when first starting out, using too many indicators in the beginning is a ticket to the land of big losses. Get very comfortable using one or two indicators first. Learn their intricacies and you'll be sure to make better trades.

4. Follow your picks Once you have placed a few stock trades you should be managing them properly. If the trade is meant to be a short term trade watch it closely for your exit signal. If it's a swing trade, watch for the indicators that tell you the trend is shifting. If it's a long term trade remember to set weekly or monthly checkups on the stock.
Use this time to keep abreast of the news, determine your price targets, set stop losses, and keep an eye on other stocks that you may want to own as well.

5. The big picture As the saying goes, all ships rise and fall with the tide. Knowing which sectors are heating up stacks the chips in your favor. For example, if you are long (expecting price to go up) on an oil stock and most of the oil sector is rising then more likely than not you are on the right side of the trade. Several trading platforms will give you access to sector-wide information so that you can get the education you need.
Candlestick Analysis 101 - How To Read Candlestick Charts
Written by Jeff Moore
March 28, 2018
Candlestick Analysis 101 - How To Read Candlestick Charts

Trading the stock market, and understanding how to read candlestick charts and candlestick analysis, doesn’t have to be difficult. In this video, I'll show you the exact steps how to read candlestick charts and master candlestick analysis. Whether you’re a beginning stock market trader or not, I will show you how to read candlestick charts, read stock graphs, how to read technical analysis charts and do all of this despite the government or any news events. 

Knowing how to read candlestick charts and tips to trading the stock market, such as candlestick and technical analysis, is one of the most effective techniques any stock trader can learn (despite the government or news events).

Watch this video if you want to learn how to read candlestick charts and candlestick analysis despite the government or any news events.

-Candlestick Analysis 101
-Recognizing the trend of the stock market
-The importance of reading momentum and candlestick patterns
-The importance of understanding the trend of the stock market
-BONUS: how to identify the high, low, open and close on a candlestick chart

In this video I will teach you candlestick analysis and how to read candlestick charts 101.

It is critical to focus on candlestick analysis and the importance of trading without letting your emotions getting involved. Just read the candlestick charts and trade with the direction of the trend. You must have fearless market analysis... NO FEAR!

Download: The 10 Common Trading Errors Cheat Sheet here:   
Technical Analysis - How The Pro's Trade The Stock Market Using Technical Analysis
Written by Jeff Moore
March 25, 2018
Understanding how to read technical analysis like the pro's to trade the stock market doesn't have to be difficult. In this video, I'll show you how to trade using technical analysis, how to read candlestick charts, how to make money like Wall Street without being on Wall Street, and candlestick theory doesn’t have to be difficult.

Also, in this video I'll share with you the three core tenants of technical analysis, the exact steps how to read candlestick charts and how to master candlestick analysis. Whether you’re a beginning stock market trader or not, I will show you how to read candlestick charts, read stock graphs, how to read technical analysis charts and do all of this despite your investment background. Knowing the core tenants of technical analysis, how to read candlestick charts and tips to trading the stock market, such as candlestick and technical analysis, is one of the most effective techniques any stock trader can learn.

Watch this video if you want to learn how the pro's trade the stock market using technical analysis, how to read candlestick charts as well as proper candlestick analysis.

Core Tenants Of Technical Analysis:

-History repeats itself
-Market action discounts everything
-Prices move in trends

In this video I will teach you how the pro's trade the stock market using technical analysis as well as the three core tenants that every technical trader needs to know.

It is critical to focus on technical analysis, candlestick analysis and the importance of trading without letting your emotions getting involved. Just read the candlestick charts and trade with the direction of the trend. You must have fearless market analysis... NO FEAR!
How To Trade Bitcoin Charts For Beginners: Is Bitcoin a fast money making scam?
Written by Jeff Moore
March 21, 2018
Understanding how to read bitcoin or cryptocurrency charts as a beginner is one of the most basic functions of a bitcoin investor. You will never make money if you can't learn to recognize when is a good time to buy and a good time to sell bitcoin; or should I buy bitcoin.

There are a few important concepts to know as well as a few particular easy bitcoin patterns to keep an eye out for in the charts....this will help you to avoid any bitcoin fear or digital currency fear.

This video discusses bitcoin price action or bitcoin cash, bitcoin futures, momentum indicators, support and resistance levels on the bitcoin chart, entry and exit signals on the bitcoin chart, reversal signs and reversal patterns on bitcoin charts, how to read bitcoin charts. You will see these patterns appear on bitcoin charts dozens of times a day and if you are able to recognize these patterns on the bitcoin chart then you can give yourself an edge above everyone else...

This video also explains how to read bitcoin price and candlestick charts, one of the most useful ways to view a bitcoin chart today. The candlestick charts are packed full of data that can help a beginning bitcoin trader understand what they need to do in order to make the best investing decision possible...the best bitcoin investment strategy.

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**DISCLAIMER**: I am not a financial advisor nor am I giving financial advice. I am sharing my biased opinion based off speculation. You should not take my opinion as financial advice. You should always do your research before making any investment. You should also understand the risks of investing. This is all speculative based investing.
About Trading Part-Time
Trading Part-Time is the underground playbook to building wealth.  This book is a specific (step-by-step) plan that teaches you "how to" successfully make money trading the stock market.  This 400+ page book (with over 200 graphs & images) teaches you how to analyze the trend of a stock, recognize support & resistance levels, understand momentum, spot candlestick patterns, visualize specific price formations, create a trading plan, utilize a trading journal, and much more.
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About Author: Jeff Moore

Jeff Moore is the founder of
The Floogiel Trading Co. and author of the book, Trading Part-Time. He offers coaching & mentorship to individuals wanting to learn how to make money trading the stock market.

About Author: Jeff Moore

Jeff Moore is the founder of
The Floogiel Trading Co. and author of the book, Trading Part-Time. He offers coaching & mentorship to individuals wanting to learn how to make money trading the stock market.
I speak and mentor students regarding stock trading and technical analysis on a daily basis.  Before you speak with me, there are a few things you need to know.  Click here to find out how.
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